David Andreoletti (安大為)

Contract Software Engineer, Project Manager

Stackoverflow @david-andreoletti


IO Stark

Contract Software Engineer/Project Manager Jun 2015 - Present
  • Contract Software Engineer / Project Manager:Developed Telco backend to remotely provision internet to new subscribers's home
  • Project Manager on an innovative Android TV launcher app: technical feasibily, Google certification compliance, architecture design
  • Held several roles: iPad app project manager, clinical trial design/planning/execution, machine learning model result comparison
  • Co-develop Smartwatch Android app: Heart/Weather capability
  • Co-develop Android mobile app; in app tchat messaging, user location tracking/mapping, rollcalling, testing, stackholder+project management
  • Co-develop Android mobile app: brewing recipe replication graphs, user identity
  • Held several roles working on Gogogo's iconic V2 scooter dashboard: nearest battery station direction adjustment, field testing, stackholder+project management
  • Ported Homido VR Player iOS app to Android
  • Software Engineer:Developing a 2D video game for mobile

Inline Ltd

Project Manager / Backend Software Developer Mar 2019 - Feb 2020
  • Co-developed reservation integration between company's reservation system and 'Reserve With Google's for multiple markets: Taiwan, HK, SG. Increased monthly total reservation 2x.
  • Investigated + Reduced SMS cost usage at scale by switching/negociating pricing with leading SMS.
  • Co-leaded investigating/organizing efforts to find/resolve 1 year+ long reservation sync slowness/failures across devices.

Toro Ltd

R&D Manager / Software Architect Sep 2014 - Jun 2015
  • Software Architect:Co-selected languages/frameworks/tools (C++11, Python, Volley, Boost C++, CMake, ...), designed/evaluated API Architectures, set coding standards (code reviews, coding style, unit testing standards, ...).
  • R&D Manager on 1 R&D software project (4+ engineers):Supervised 4+ engineers directly on new flagship product for the company for Android/iOS.
  • Technical Recruiter:Screened 10+ engineering resumes. Interviewed 5 engineering candidates. Hired 1 Android UI/UX engineer. Scrum master.

Toro Ltd

R&D Manager and Lead Android Software Engineer Jun 2013 - Sep 2014
  • Lead Android/J2SE Software Engineer on J2ME Device Emulator (MicroEmulator):Simplified JSR118/257/120 event handling. Co-added native Android application behaviour to J2ME Device Emulator keeping JSR118 compatibility. Specified LocalPush API for MIDlet. Specified Push Notification API for MIDlet and implemented for Android platform.
  • R&D Manager on 4+ R&D software projects (10+ engineers):Android/J2SE Microemulator: Major refactoring to support new features for the company's flagship product: Valyou Wallet.
  • Windows Phone 8 Microemulator:Porting J2ME Device Emulator Microemulator to Windows Phone
  • Unit Testing infrastructure:Unit test execution and reporting automation used by 20+ engineers for Android/Windows Phone platforms. Reduced writing unit test cost and regression bugs by about 50% across 2 platforms.
  • Wallet Translation tool:Speed up exporting Wallet space APIs to SDK space.
  • Technical Recruiter:Screened 30+ engineering resumes. Interviewed 8 engineering candidates. Hired 2 engineers. Scum master, task assignment, roadmap planning, team building and company policy writing.

Toro Ltd

Lead Android Software Engineer Oct 2012 - May 2013
  • Ported T-mobile™ NFC Mobile Wallet to Android platform (using J2ME Device Emulator).:Introduced CI (Jenkins, Release scripts) for all commercial releases, reduced humans interaction/errors and promoted project/ticketing software (JIRA) within Mobile Department.

Toro Ltd

Senior Android Software Engineer Jun 2012 - Sep 2012
  • Implemented 'Fin@Net' mobile payment prototype enabling offline payment between a MIFARE Desfire EV1 card and an Android mobile device acting as Point Of Sale (POS): card balance, topup and debit features.
  • Led (guidance and technical solutions) 1 UI/UX engineer and 1 Backend engineer
  • Liaised with 3rd party Tech Leads to ensure expected outcomes, specifications were understood.
  • Iterated fast over new requirements specified throughout the project.

Toro Ltd

Android Software Engineer May 2011 - May 2012
  • J2ME Device Emulator for Android platform:Added support for JSR-257(full), JSR-117(SIM-SE subset via SIM Alliance Open Mobile library), JSR226 with Tech Lead (parser/render only), runtime images selection based on screen resolution keeping JSR118 compatibility. Wrote J2ME Device Emulator (Android) build system (platform independent, config file based instead of script tweaking): reduced build/setup cost from days to hours on T-Mobile wallet and PayezMobile projects. Simplified codebase maintainance: single codebase instead of a codebase per customer. Codebase refactoring, bugs fixing before adding new features (whenever possible).
  • Port J2ME "PayezMobile" payment application to Android and Blackberry:Communicated with Gemalto and Credit Mutuel, CIC banks about requirements, release planning, software delivery, bug fixing. Fixed major security hole in payment flow. Converted touch screen solution to fit non Blackberry devices. Fully automated build process (compilation and signatures) for all 16(Blackberry)/8(Android) releases flavours.
  • Tapp8:Implemented UI for Tapp8 POC (in Java J2ME). Tapp8 enables mobile payment for Taiwan taxis. Implemented in J2EE Client & server for Carrefour Demo POC.

NCR Corporation

Junior Web Software Engineer Oct 2010 - Apr 2011
  • Improved mobi-web™'s web scrapping (Javascript/JQuery), UI components, device capabilities detection (JS, CSS, Cookie support) technologies to deliver mobile optimised websites for feature phones and smartphones. Used: Spring Web Flow, JSP, HTML, CSS. Trained offshore team to develop mobi-web™ enabled mobile websites (lectures and practicals). Scrum attendee.

Mobiqa Ltd (NCR acquisition)

Junior Web Software Engineer Sep 2010 - Oct 2010
  • Added UI and settings improvements (request headers/user prefs) on iPhone Test Harness app to test mobi-pass™ platform. Implemented Flight Status and Flight Booking features for Ryanair's mobile version using mobi-web™ and Spring Web Flow (flow), JSP, XHTML and CSS (UI) and Canoo Web Test (Unit test). Scrum attendee.

Infographics UK Ltd

Junior Software Developer/Tester/Sys Admin Jan 2010 - Sep 2010
  • Enhanced company's issue ticketing software (Asp.Net 3.5) to customer/internal demands. Refactored database (Transac-SQL). Implemented (Powershell 2.0) Hyper-V virtual machines backup script. Managed Active Directory/Exchange users and computer resources. Ensured 99% servers availability. Beta tested FloSuite products and customer issues.

TIMA Research Laboratory (CNRS/INPG/UJF)

Software Developer Intern Apr 2007 - Aug 2007
  • Designed (UML 2.0), implemented (Java 1.5) tool to help researchers evaluate experimental CMOS sensors performance.

General Hospital IT Dpt (CHU)

Software Developer Intern May 2006 - Jun 2006
  • Co-analysed (UML 1.0), co-designed and co-implementated wizard (VB.Net/XML) to generate database schema information. Planning meeting with the Lead developer and report progress.


Python 3.8+, Javascript ES6+
Javascript ES6+
Android SDK r11+, iOS SDK 4.0+, JSR118, JSR226, JSR257, JSR177, Junit, JDK6+, C++/C, Swift 2.0
Pandas v2+
Technical Writing
Latex, Javadoc, Doxygen, Markdown
Github Action, Gitlab, Hudson/Jenkins
ISO-7816-4, MIFARE Desfire, JSR139
Source management
Git, Mercurial
Vim, IntelJ based IDEs (Pycharm, IDEA, etc), Xcode
Workload orchestration
Kubernetes 1.17+, Docker, Podman
bash, zsh, posix shell
macOS, Debian based OS, Fedora
UMl 1.0/2.0, Assembly 68K, AppleScript, Boost.Test, SenTestKit



Jan 2023 - Jan 2024
  • developer

FOSS - Armbian

Jan 2023 - Jan 2024
  • developer


Jan 2023 - Jan 2024
  • developer

FOSS - pass-import

Jan 2023 - Jan 2023
  • developer

FOSS - homebrew

Jan 2023 - Jan 2023
  • developer

FOSS - ffmpeg

Jan 2020 - Jan 2023
  • developer

FOSS - libegl: Khronos EGL 1.4 for iOS

Jan 2013 - Jan 2013
  • developer

FOSS - Pandera

Jan 2023 - Jan 2023
  • developer

FOSS - boostoniphone-generic

Jan 2013 - Jan 2013
  • developer

FOSS - Poco

Jan 2015 - Jan 2015
  • developer


The University of Edinburgh

Jan 2008 - Jan 2009
Master (Msc) Computer Science and Software Engineering

Edinburgh Napier University

Jan 2007 - Jan 2008
Bachelor (Bsc) Computer Science

Pierre Mendes-France University

Jan 2006 - Jan 2007
Licence in Information Systems Computer Science and Software Engineering

Pierre Mendes-France University

Jan 2004 - Jan 2006
HND (DUT) Computer Science and Software Engineering

Marlioz College

Jan 2001 - Jan 2004
A Level in Scientific Sciences (Bac S) Computer Science and Software Engineering


First class honors
Napier University, BSc Computer Science
3rd best student
Licence in Information Systems


English: Fluent
French: Native
Mandarin Chinese: Beginner